First Day of PA Buck Season

On the First Day of the 2020 PA Buck Season, I was anxious to shoot a deer with my Weatherby Camilla, 7mm08, topped with my Riton Scope. My Hornady 120gr. ammo  is  really accurate and  deadly.

Last year, in Wyoming, I shot a Mule Deer Buck and an Antelope Buck with my favorite rifle, both dropped on the spot. But, I haven’t hunted with this rifle since.

My “Pups” and I were in my ridge top tree stand about a half hour before daylight and watched as the sunlight slowly reveal our hunting grounds. We quickly started seeing whitetails.

The field below us is 150 yards through the woods and my Riton 10×42 Binoculars are so sharp you can easily spot antlers even on a small buck.  

A few doe were feeding along the edge of the field and we even spotted a lone turkey.

There are too many treetops to get a clear shot if a buck appears down in that green field. He’ll have to move uphill into our woods for me to have a chance at him.

If that happens my Camilla is ready for action. It’s a beautiful rifle, slick action, pretty wood, nice checkering and the “Riton Scope” is right on at 200 yards.

Around noon, because no bucks were spotted, we climbed down out of our stand and headed back home for soup and sandwiches, and maybe a nap. Who knew what would be coming by our stand.

Amazing what goes on while you’re eating lunch at home.

After getting warmed up we returned for our afternoon hunt. Then, before he climbed up,  Pups thought he should check the Trail Camera.

Our trail camera is located just a few yards in front of our ladder-stand. While he changed out the SD Card , with a new blank one,  I got up into my seat. I was all ready for the afternoon hunt.

We hunted till dark and when he got home he sent me the pictures of the deer that passed by our tree stand while we were back home. Are you kidding me! A few doe and a couple of small bucks strolled right past our camera. The little spike seems to be looking right up at our empty seat.

We’ve seen that Big Buck a few times and I just can’t seem to get a shot at him. This little spike would have been safe from my Weatherby.  Lesson learned…never go back home for lunch!


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