Ruby and Hunter with Riton & Howa

I’ve been practicing with my Howa Mini Action 223 rifle with my Riton scope and I’ve been shooting some nice groups at 100 and 200 yards. My friend , Hunter, and I shot about a box of ammo at 50 and 100 yards at the Jerome Sportsmen’s Club back in June.

My Grandpa went to the range with us to videotape us shooting from the bench. Of course he had to take a few shots with this rifle, too. He likes the heavy barrel for long range accuracy and thinks the Riton Scope is great for Ground Hogs!

We did some fine-tuning on the Riton scope, because we were using a box of new 223 ammo. Hunter has never fired this rifle or used a Riton Scope before. However, Hunter is a good Deer Hunter and she hunts with her Dad, right near her cabin-home. She shot this nice Whitetail Doe last year with her 308 caliber, single shot rifle.

Take a look at my video that Hunter and I did while we were shooting at the range. Just click on the link below.