Fishing with my sister Vayda

DSCN0135Vayda wanted to go fishing with me to try and catch a trout. At first all she caught was a bunch of really little sunfish. She then caught  a nice rainbow trout on a worm and bobber.

DSCN0137-001This was her first ever Rainbow Trout. I got a Rainbow, too. We were all happy anglers! Vayda  found out that’s it’s hard to hold a fish for pictures.


DSCN0159-001Here we are with our Rainbow Trout. After using all of our worms, I started using my Fly Rod with a tiny Dry Fly.
Last week I caught a nice Brown Trout on this same Dry Fly, but the fish got off right at the shoreline because we didn’t have a net.


DSCN0171-001On this trip I caught this Brown Trout just as the sun was going down. I was using my Dry Fly and the trout jumped right out of the water to grab my fly. This time we brought the net and the fish didn’t get away. This was my first ever Brown Trout.